
Options to suit your specific needs

We offer a variety of services to help our clients. We have prepaid and monthly payment options for services ranging from tax preparation to analysis, consulting and forensics.

To get started, contact us for a free consultation.

Tax Services

Standard Tax Prep for business and personal

For over 30 years our firm has been providing expert tax preparation services for businesses and individuals statewide.

Stressless Tax Prep: one monthly payment and no surprises

There's nothing worse than getting blindsided with a big tax bill at the end of the year. It takes the wind out of your sails and drains that little nest egg you've been saving.

Ok, there is one thing that's worse...a big tax bill from your accountant to go with it.

At T.A.B.C. we offer Stressless Tax Prep, a monthly payment option that provides ongoing support and services as part of your monthly fee.

We stay in communication with you throughout the year and provide you direct, fast support.

Then, we do your taxes, properly.

We will likely have a few items to add to a final bill at the end of the season, but not like before.

To make it even better, we are deploying new and amazing communications systems, automation and technology to make the process slick, efficient and affordable. We're already witnessing great things from our new systems. Most importantly, they allow us to focus on you, our client. As a result, we have less error, faster processing and better results.

We welcome you to contact us anytime.

To find this depth of knowledge at a fair and reasonable price is a winning combination

Tom has handled complicated personal tax returns (often totaling 200-300 pages in length) for us and John's business for nearly 20 years. In addition to federal returns, we had some 6-8 state returns many years.

Tom has answered each of our many questions with good explanations.

Tom is knowledgeable about every aspect of federal taxes and has the ability to prepare returns for every state in the country, with deep knowledge of each state's unique requirements. To find that depth of knowledge at a fair and reasonable price is a winning combination.

John and Mary

Accounting & Consulting

Accounting and general business consulting for growing business and startups.

CFO Services

Business consulting, review, and CFO services for established businesses on a growth trajectory. This offering is designed to ensure maximum efficiency and effective controls with a potential exit always in mind.

I trust TABC to give me good advice

Tom helped me set up my company 16 years ago and I’ve been working with him ever since. He prepares my personal and company tax returns and provides me with payroll support.

I like the fact that Tom can take complicated tax and accounting issues and translate them into plain English so that I can understand. He's always there when I have questions. Tom has been advising me from the very beginning, making sure that I wouldn’t fall into any common new business pitfalls.

I trust Tom to give me good advice. I don't want to spend any time worrying about if I'm going to get audited. I want someone who will assure me that I’m doing it the right way and paying what I should be paying. Tom’s not the type of accountant who will “find a bunch of grey-area deductions for you” – he errs on the side of being judicious. If I have a question about a possible deduction, he’ll give me honest feedback about whether it’s allowed and leave the final decision up to me as a business owner.

Tom’s admin support person, Shelly, is hilarious. I love her. Going to his office is like being Norm in an old Cheers episode - when you come in there, your name is known. You're welcome. Great customer service, attitude and a great sense of humor.

I very willingly refer people to Tom and I think that’s the best compliment you could give a professional services firm like his. Money is a delicate issue and I can say “go to my guy because he won’t let you down” with the utmost confidence.

Peter Ronza

Works as a partner to provide checks and balances for us – to make sure that we’re doing things properly.

Tom works as a partner to provide checks and balances for us – to make sure that we’re doing things properly. He’s really good at educating us about what we need to do. At the end of each month, we hand in our ledger and our expense journal and Tom produces a profit and loss statement for us. He helps us with our quarterly taxes and files everything we need for year end.

We’ve been working with Tom for over 10 years and are very happy with the service we’ve received from Tom and his staff. They are good communicators - easy to get a hold of, they answer our questions and are quick to respond.

D’Ann Bagan

Meet with Tom Remotely